Thursday, November 20, 2008

The start of my transformation!

Growing up I was never really into fitness. The only sport I did in high school was golf, I did carry my golf bag and walk all the courses I played at. It wasn't until recently (this past April), when I became almost obsessed with fitness and getting healthy. I was having back problems which effected my performance at work. I was also called "larger than a house" by my commander which was a kick in the pants. I was hurt but it got me thinking about my health and how fitness not only helps with the physical aspect of life but also mental and spiritual aspects. So I can across an Ad for Jillian Michaels' (trainer from the Biggest Loser) website. I didn't know what else to do so I became a member and started doing her circuits and bought her exercise videos. I started dropping weight immediately. Over the course of the end of spring and into the summer I lost about 30 pounds or so. Then I stopped seeing results. My body had adapted to the program, circuits were the same, videos were the same. So from mid summer until about the middle of September my weight loss was stagnant and I had even fallen off the wagon due to the frustration of not seeing results. Then one day at work one of my coworkers was talking about doing P90X. Now I have seen the infomercials and have always been intrigued about the program but never actually got it. When he was talking about it, I became more interested and started to look into the program and I realized this was what I needed to kick start my results again. I saw the results that people were getting and I thought to myself why not me? Why can't I get those results? I realized at that point that I could get those results and decided to go for it. I chose to make the investment for my health. I started P90X Sep 29, 2008. I am amazed at the results I have had so far. I had gotten to the point to where I didn't think I would be able to get in the shape I have dreamed of. Now with P90X it is becoming a reality. I am not where I want to be yet but I am continuing to strive towards my goal of 15% body fat and gaining lean muscle. I also want to pay it forward and help others reach their goals as well.



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