Saturday, January 24, 2009


I got this recipe from my friend, Diane.


1 1/2 cups extra virgin coconut oil melted
3/4 cup organic roasted peanut butter
1 Tbsp organic vanilla
2 tsp cinnamon
3 droppers Vanilla Crème Stevia liquid
3 tsp Stevia Plus Stevia
4 Tbsp Sweet Cactus Farms agave nectar
3/4 cup roasted carob powder
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 cup almond meal
1/2 cup hemp seeds

1 cup organic peanut butter
3 tbsp agave

For candy:
-Line mini cup cake tins with paper liners.
-Melt coconut oil under hot water or spoon into saucepan and melt over low flame.
-When coconut oil turns to a liquid, pour oil in medium bowl.
-Slowly whisk in peanut butter until smooth.
-Whisk in vanilla, cinnamon, liquid and powdered Stevia, and agave nectar one at a time.
-Then slowly stir in carob and cocoa powder a spoonful at a time.
-Stir in almond meal and hemp seeds one at a time sprinkling evenly as you go. -Batter should run off of spoon easily but not too runny.

For filling:
-In separate bowl, mix peanut butter and agave.
-It’s best to use a thick peanut butter.
-Spoon candy mixture into cup cake papers until a third filled.
-Spoon in a ½ tsp of the peanut butter filling.
-Pour candy over peanut butter leaving space at the top of the paper
-Chill in freezer for 15 minutes. Keep in the freezer!

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